Tuesday, May 21, 2013

May 20, 2013

Easter weekend....

We had plans well in advance to go to Austin for Easter weekend so that we could meet our precious nephew/ godson, Joshua, and to see Dan's sister and her husband.  Holt and Joshua are only 6 weeks apart and I wished they lived closer so that these two little boys could grow up together.  I have a cousin that is only a year older than me and we had so much fun together!  Somehow I doubt that Mandy and Jeff will move back to Texas anytime soon or that we will move to Virginia though.   We just cherish the moments we all have together and look forward to the next visit.  The weekend was great, lots of family time and we all went to church Easter morning together.  Holt and Joshua didn't quiet make it through the whole mass, but they did pretty good.  Joshua is such an active and funny little guy and I can see his little personality.

Our friends, Jon and Jessica moved to San Antonio for a few weeks so that Jon could get requalified for flying before they make their big move to Jordan.  Since San Antonio is only an hour from Austin they came up for the day so we could catch up with them too.

Monday, May 20, 2013

So far behind!

May 19, 2013

  There have been so many changes in our life since my last post, I don't even know where to begin.  I guess to start, Holt is now 6 months old!  He has such a little personality and it's beginning to show through more each day.  I think he's beginning to grasp object permanence as when he wants something he gets really excited about and when it goes away, he gets upset.  O' great, so it begins!  Haha!  No, it really is great to see him becoming this little person.

The last week of February Dan and I went to Monterrey, Ca to see our best friends for a surprise visit.  It was our first little getaway since we've had Holt and we were so blessed that Dan's parents came and took care of him so that we were able to go and not have to put Holt through 6 flights in 3 days, yes it was a short trip.  It was so great to see them and visit Monterrey one more time before they left.  I can't believe they have been there over a year already! It was so good to have our Jon and Jess time again.

Since I'm so far behind I'll just share a few pics of the past few months.