Tuesday, September 17, 2013

September 17, 2013

Holt is 10 months old today!!! I'm impressed that I'm actually blogging this on the actual day, I don't think I've ever done that before!  I guess that is what happens when you're in an apartment and there is only so much "house" work that you can do.

10 months, we are officially in double digits!  Holt is such a joy, minus the teething, and is becoming extremely social.  He waves to everyone when we're out and about and seems to love the ladies! Uh oh! He really is such a little flirt.  We think it's funny now but something tells me in 16 years we're going to have to watch him.  Haha!

We finally had our first doctors visit, outside of our wellness checks.  The poor little guy was so fussy and irritable that we knew something wasn't right, normally he's so happy go lucky.  We took him in to a urgent care facility here in Ft. Worth only to learn that he's cutting several teeth at once.  It's a little rough on everyone.  I guess we've done ok if this is the first time we've had to take in and he's made it 10 months.  I guess the bright side is that hopefully we don't have to do this again for a while.

His favorites right now are:

He loves bath time and thinks he needs every toy in there to play with.
He loves getting out and seeing new things.
He loves the dogs and they are becoming his new best friends.
He loves when Dad comes home from work, sometimes he gets too excited and falls over.
He loves food! What can I say, he is a Herbert!
He loves books.
He loves stroller rides in the BOB.
He loves to just stand up, not walk, just stand.
He loves playing on the couch.

His not so favorite things:

He hates getting dressed.
He hates diaper changes.
He isn't a fan of holding his own cup.
He doesn't like drinking water.
He doesn't like to sit still.
He absolutely hates getting his hair washed.

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