February 5, 2012
Catch up....
I really have no excuse for being so far behind in posts except that Holt has been keeping me busy and his naps have become very short these days.
I'll back up to Christmas. We had a white Christmas and for those of you that live in Texas, you know what a rare occasion this is. I can't remember the last time it snowed on Christmas day, if ever that I have been alive. A few years ago we had a blizzard, but that was on Christmas Eve and that was an even more rare occasion. It was so special for Holt's first Christmas to be a white one. It was almost surreal as we lounged around that day in our pajamas, with the fireplace going and our little boy to snuggle with. He really is such a gift from God. We had celebrated earlier in the week with my parents and Dan's parents were in Virginia so it was just our little family on Christmas Day.

It has been the tradition for the past three years to spend New Year's Eve with John and Jessica and this year was a different type of New Years as we had two little babies to take care of, but we were still fortunate enough to spend it with our best friends. They had been in Indiana for Christmas and made a stop in Wichita Falls to meet Mr. Holt and spend the holiday with us. We feel so blessed for them to have traveled all this way to meet our little man. The visit was short, but none the less we had such a great time relaxing and catching up with them (of course in between feedings and diaper changes). We only made it to 11 pm on New Years Eve, but I'm actually surprised we made it that long with a 6 week old and a 9 month old. These new parents hadn't quiet got into the routine of functioning on little sleep yet. It was so funny to see Amelia interact with Holt, I don't think she quiet new what to think of him. When we first went to see Amelia she was the same age as Holt, so it was really neat to see them together and see a small glimpse of what our life will be like in another 8 months.

Fast forward to January 17, Holt is 2 months old! It's been so amazing to see such a change in him in just a short time. We celebrated his 2 month birthday with a trip to the Allen Outlet Mall. He was such a trooper all day! We had intentions on leaving that morning about 9:30, but of course we didn't leave until 10 and didn't get home until 9 that evening. I fully expected us to be home by 6 or 7, given that we really didn't have that much to do, but I wasn't factoring in all the diaper changes and feedings. It was so good to get out and do something normal again. Life with a baby becomes a little harder to do the things that you would normally do and I was so proud of him for being such a good sport all day long.
Later that weekend was a milestone also, we moved him to his crib that Saturday evening. I think it was harder on us than it was on him, I don't think he even realized it. We have all slept better since then. We had his 2 month check up on Friday, January 25, 2012 to get his shots and his weight and height.
He weighed 11 lbs. 15 oz and was 26 in long. His weight is in the 25th % and his height is in the 95th%. So far it sounds like he's going to take after Dan and be long and lean. Thank goodness he got Dan's height!
Holt's likes at 2 months-
He loves the iPad and watching videos on it.
He loves mornings.
He loves his feedings.
He loves to sleep in his car seat.
He loves his bath time, especially getting his hair washed.
What I love most about Holt right now- He is so happy in the mornings. My favorite part of the day is going to get him out of his crib and seeing him smile when he sees my face. It makes my heart melt.
Dan loves when Holt talks back to him, when he holds his own bottle during feedings, and his cheery demeanor in the mornings.