December 7, 2012
Our little man......
Holt Allen Herbert made his appearance on November 17, 2012 at 1:05 in the afternoon. He weighed 7 lbs 13 oz. and was 20 1/2 in. long. I was admitted to the hospital Friday evening for an induction since the little guy didn't want to come on his own. Finally at 8:30 Saturday morning Dr. Horth broke my water to speed the process along. I was dilated to a 10 at 10 that morning, but as you can tell, Holt might have a little of his mom's stubbornness since he stayed put until that afternoon. To be honest it was an extremely long labor and I'm so thankful every one was happy and healthy in the end after such a long night and morning. When Holt was born I think mine and Dan's initial reaction was, "where did this little Indian baby come from?" and "I can't believe he's ours!" He had so much dark hair! We knew he had hair since we had seen it on the sonograms, but we didn't know how dark it would be and how much he would have. He came into this world crying and was instantly soothed by his daddy's voice, it's amazing how they recognize our voices instantly in the outside world.
Our first week at home was a little rough with us trying to adjust to him and him trying to adjust to us, not to mention mom's crazy hormones. We went to his one week check up and saw that he had lost more weight even though he was eating all the time and figured out that we needed to do something different. That night, these newly exhausted parents, tried something different with his eating and it's been amazingly better since then. He is no longer a fussy baby and longs to be held by one of us. He loves to cuddle and be close, which we don't mind and try to enjoy it while we can since we know it won't last forever.
Proud daddy writing in his baby book.
Thanksgiving Day
Our first family photo. Geez don't we look a little tired?
Our first walk in the BOB.
Daddy's lunch break
His first trip to Starbuck's.
I can't get enough of this smile.
Best little buddies
This is why I don't get anything done. Can you blame me?