Wednesday, November 14, 2012

November 14, 2012

  Almost time.....

  I can't believe tomorrow is my due date as it does kind of seem like it was just yesterday Dan and watched the word "pregnant" come up and we both stood there in shock staring at this little stick.
  If you would have asked me 2 months ago, heck even 2 weeks ago if I was ready to not be pregnant, I would have no doubt answered with a yes.  Now that the time is almost here I have so many mixed emotions.  Yes, I'm ready to feel normal, be able to get out of bed without rolling out, tie my shoe, run and work out again, see my toes, eat without having acid reflux.......but when I really think about how our life is going to change I kind of want to just push pause.  We enjoy each other, our relationship, our sleep, our ability to get up and go whenever we please.
  I was talking to a lady the other day and she made me think about the positive of what lies ahead instead of mourning what we are losing and how exciting those positives will be.  I can't wait to see him smile, comfort him when he cries, watch Dan with his son and see him comfort him, see our parents with their grandchild, hear him when he laughs, and see who he looks like.
  I look back at just how incredible a baby really is and it is truly a gift from God.  The human body is amazing and it is God's creation that has made us this way.  Many women try for years to have a baby yet something doesn't allow them to, I am thankful that God has blessed us this way and I am forever grateful. We will meet our little man this upcoming Saturday November 17, if he doesn't make his presence in this world before then.  I can't wait to see his little face, hands, fingers, toes....just all of him and snuggle him close.

March 6, 2012

Our sonogram at 20 weeks that confirmed he's a boy! 

16 weeks

19 weeks

Our first 3-D sonogram

27 weeks

39 weeks

40 weeks

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

November 6, 2012

Our Last Few Days

  It's really crazy to think that in probably less than a week it will no longer be just the two of us like it has been for the past 8 years.  I have such a range of emotions as we spend our last few nights together in the quiet of our house with just us and our four legged children.  It's such a bittersweet moment. We're excited as we anxiously await Holt's arrival, yet we know it will never be the same and our lives will forever change.
  The past few weeks it has really hit me.  I guess pregnancy hormones have officially taken over and I can cry at the drop of a hat at the thought of what's about to happen. I look back at the past 8 years together and think about everything we have done and it makes me wonder how we have done it all.  We have been fortunate to travel to numerous places, including NYC at Christmas time, which was a dream come true for me.  We have been to a World Series Game, we have ran a half marathon together, we have both furthered our education, I'm still in the process of completing that goal. We bought our first home together, we have been through the loss of my grandfather, we have rescued dogs, we have both been there for each other when the other needed a pick me up, the list goes on....
  I have always known how lucky Dan and I are to have the type of relationship that we have, but I think bringing a child into the world together makes me realize it even more.  This little human being is half him and half me, now that's a crazy thought!  There are certain things that as moms we probably all pray that our children get from their dad and I know I have my list.  Physically, I hope he gets Dan's clear blue eyes, long chiseled facial structure, is tall in stature, and of course, his athletic ability to be good at just about any sport he attempts.  Emotionally, I hope he gets his dry sense of humor, one thing that made me fall in love with him, his selflessness in which he serves others, his sensitivity to others, especially me, and they way in which he respects others.  Mentally, I hope he is analytical like his dad and has the ability and drive to excel.  Most of all, I hope he is passionate like Dan.  I admire that and I think so many people, including myself, struggle to find their passion in life.
  God is so amazing in how he designed the human body to support another human being.  We are constantly amazed when we watch my stomach move from the inside out.  If the amount of movement inside determines the activity level outside, I think we're in trouble.  He is such an active baby!
  One thing I know for sure, we are a team in everything we do in our marriage and this adventure will not be any different.  Thank you God for all the blessings that you have given me and I am forever grateful.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

November 1, 2012

The Nursery is Finally Done!

  Dan and I have been working on the nursery for the past few months trying to make it just perfect when we get to bring home our little angel in a few weeks.  Finally this past Sunday we put the finishing touches on it and I can officially say it's complete.  It is so great to see that it came together exactly how we envisioned it, once we agreed and had a vision.  Haha! Now all we need is the baby to go in this nursery!

November 1, 2012

I'm finally an Aunt!

  Yes, this is a month delayed but I am finally getting caught up on things.  The weekend that Dan's parents were here for our showers, his sister Mandy, went into labor.  That Monday morning on October 1 at 7:39, Joshua Bryan Vinas was born.
  Now, lets back up to February 22, 2012, this was Dan's birthday.  His sister and Jeff called that evening via Skype to wish Dan a Happy Birthday and started the conversation with, "Happy Birthday Uncle Dan."  I wish you could have taken a picture of mine and Dan's face at that moment, I'm sure it was priceless!  We knew immediately what she meant, only because we had been baby planning ourselves.  We were both in complete shock and fill with excitement at the thought of two babies due around the same time!  Jeff and Mandy are similar to Matt and Cooper in that they have been married for at least 10 years and we didn't really know if they would ever have children, so what a great surprise! I have always wanted a little niece or nephew to spoil and how great is it that Holt will have a cousin that is so close to his age.  The only negative, they recently moved to Virgina so we won't get to see them as often as we would probably like.  I can't wait to celebrate the holidays with these two little boys throughout the years.  Now,  we have to find some time once Holt gets here for these two to meet!