September 18, 2012
Paint colors have been chosen! Now, for the average person this might not be a big deal, but for me, it's huge! I don't think I could have convinced Dan to go back to Home Depot for another sample of a "grey" as I think we tried every grey there is out there. Who would have thought there were so many? Some had too much green, some had too much purple, some too much blue, and the list goes on. So, the winner is Martha Stewart's Bedford Grey and Behr's French Grey for an accent wall. I am super excited about these colors as I think they will go perfect with our bedding and the other accesories for our little guy's nursery.

Last Thursday we went to DFW to pick up my dear friend, Jessica and Miss Amelia as they made the long trip from California for Holt's first baby shower. It was so great to have them here with us during such a special event. It's always so hard when we part our ways until the next Herbert/Bess adventure, and yes, I usually end up with tears in my eyes as I walk away because I miss them being walking distance around the corner from us. This time it was such a different feeling and I had so many different emotions. Next time we see them, it will be December and Holt will be here and our little family of two will be a family of three. It's such a strange feeling to think about, a good one, but still strange.
Holt's First Baby Shower
Last Saturday my long time friends that I've had since kindergarten threw me a baby shower in Seymour. I can't begin to explain how thankful I am to have friends like this. They made the day so special for me and I am so grateful to have them in my life. I know not many people can say they have friends from kindergarten so I am so blessed and realize what a gift it is. Holt was spoiled and he received so many great gifts, both fun and functional. Now the question is, where am I going to put everything?
One of the most special gifts was given to us from my good friend, Christel's mom, Jeanne. She made him burp cloths, sheets, a swaddle blanket and the most amazing quilt. She stitched our plane on the quilt! How awesome is that?
My mom's side of the family
My hostesses